• Did Life on other Planets originate from Earth?

    Updated: 2012-09-30 16:00:31
    In the opening scene of Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, an alien Engineer is seen seeding the Earth with life — an interesting suggestion as to how life emerged on this planet.http://www.ieet.org/images/uploads/georbegocv.jpg

  • ‪Are Droids taking our Jobs?‬

    Updated: 2012-09-30 16:00:31
    Robots and algorithms are getting good at jobs like building cars, writing articles, translating—jobs that once required a human. So what will we humans do for work? Andrew McAfee walks through recent labor data to say: We ain’t seen nothing yet. But then he steps back to look at big history, and comes up with a surprising and even thrilling view of what comes next.

  • ‪Ageing and Living “Forever”‬

    Updated: 2012-09-30 16:00:31
    Aubrey de Grey is a well-known researcher on the process of ageing. He sees ageing as a disease and believes science will soon be able to slow it down so that we’ll have more time for science to advance even further so we can fix the cellular damages of ageing and - maybe one day - live forever.

  • ‪Live Forever as an Android?!‬

    Updated: 2012-09-30 16:00:31
    Thrilling forecast video from Atman Inc.

  • Our Healthcare Future: Personalized Medicine Leads the Way

    Updated: 2012-09-30 16:00:31
    By 2020, most of the developed world will shift towards a proactive, personalized, healthcare policy.http://www.ieet.org/images/uploads/dickcover.jpg

  • Social and Biological Networks

    Updated: 2012-09-30 16:00:31
    Network architecture, sharing a vision and interdependence based on trust.

  • Adam and Steve, Not Adam and Stan

    Updated: 2012-09-29 10:00:38
    These Facebook images are pretty bad, but they become a whole lot better if you forget to proofread …Swiped from Scotteriology

  • so just how do you build an artificial brain?

    Updated: 2012-09-22 12:20:09
    Journalist and skeptic Steven Poole is breathing fire in his scathing review of the current crop of trendy pop neuroscience books, citing rampant cherry-picking, oversimplifications, and constant presentations of much-debated functions of the brain as having been settled with fMRI and the occasional experiment or two with supposedly definitive results. He goes a little too [...]

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